Introduction to Feminism and Women's Rights Blogs

Girl Power

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Feminism is the struggle against dominance hierarchies that have defined global culture throughout all of recorded history. It has traditionally been — and will probably remain for some time to come — the centerpiece of all civil liberties reform.

Below is a list of feminism and women's rights bogs:

Are Women Human?

This is a thoughtful and relatively low-traffic blog maintained by two former evangelicals who have both a gentle, engaging writing style and a solid understanding of intersectional feminism. Everyone new to the feminist blogosphere should read their article on the cult of the greater cause.

Crunk Feminist Collective

"As part of a larger women-of-color feminist politic," the blog's mission statement reads: "Crunkness, in its insistence on the primacy of the beat, contains a notion of movement, timing, and of meaning-making through sound, that is especially productive for our work together." The result is a group blog for and about women of color, and it's essential reading.


Although many blogs emphasize fierce debates and tough ideological questions, Feministe is a friendly community with lots of cat blogging, shuffled iTunes playlists, and even a few antifeminist mascots. This is not to say that it's any less feminist or any less relevant. It's just less front line and more front porch. And in a field of civil liberties activism where the value of community building is recognized, that's a powerful thing.

Echidne of the Snakes

This blog reminds me of Mary Wollstonecraft. A contemporary of Paine and Locke, she was one of the greatest political philosophers of the British Enlightenment, but she's remembered today as essentially a suffragist and nothing more. Why? Because she dared to say important things as a woman. Echidne is not a feminism blog. It is a philosophy blog written by a serious feminist who takes her feminism with her on her philosophical adventures — and never leaves it in her luggage.

Tiger Beatdown

You can't appreciate this group blog without getting to know its five authors, each of whom brings a distinctive personality and writing style to the mix. It's not a good place to go if you want daily updates on feminist news, but there are plenty of blogs that offer that. What Tiger Beatdown brings to the table is an honest personal experience, usually in the form of short, provocative posts that cover topics nobody else has ever addressed in quite the same way.


Blackamazon has been a significant feminist blogger for at least seven years. The fact that she didn't appear on my original list of "Top Feminist Blogs" was probably its biggest flaw. She's no longer on Blogspot, but you should be reading her Tumblr.


This is a reader-friendly group blog that covers the intersection of feminism with the skeptic, humanist and geek culture. One of the contributors is Rebecca Watson, who famously (and brilliantly) called Richard Dawkins to task for a bizarre antifeminist rant he posted in 2012.

Gradient Lair

This blog site offers news and detailed commentary on race, gender, public policy, and the arts. The author also maintains one of the best activism Twitter feeds you'll find anywhere.


Lindsay Beyerstein is another example of the Wollstonecraft Effect, a philosopher who is a feminist rather than a narrowly-defined feminist philosopher. But Beyerstein's posts have a hard edge that seems rooted in a very potent secular humanism, an edge that screams out from the snarling photograph of herself on the front page of her site. There's a figure named Manjushri in Tibetan Buddhism who carries a sword to cut through falsehoods. This is what Manjushri's blog might look like.

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Head, Tom. "Introduction to Feminism and Women's Rights Blogs." ThoughtCo, Sep. 7, 2021, Head, Tom. (2021, September 7). Introduction to Feminism and Women's Rights Blogs. Retrieved from Head, Tom. "Introduction to Feminism and Women's Rights Blogs." ThoughtCo. (accessed April 24, 2024).